
(We publish this page with revised information to the old event webpage.)




三井記念美術館特別展示 平田郷陽の市松人形




“Special display: Ichimatsu dolls by Goyo Hirata” (2019/2/9-4/7)




 毎年恒例になりました『三井家のおひなさま』展と併設して、展示室6および展示室7では、人形の分野で初めて重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)となった、平田郷陽が製作した「市松人形 銘つぼみ」(個人蔵)「市松人形 銘みどり」(個人蔵)を中心とする、愛らしい市松人形の世界をご紹介します。

「市松人形 銘つぼみ」「市松人形 銘みどり」は本来着せ替えができないため、衣装人形の部類になりますが、今回は統一して“いちまさん”として展示されております。着せ替えの楽しめる“いちまさん”は今回三十数体飾る予定でございます。








room number 6 and 7 to introduce you the charming world of Ichimatsu dolls. Since “Ichimatsu doll Mei Tsubomi” and “Mei Midori” are originally unable to change its clothes, they are usually categorized as costume dolls. To make it simple, wIn addition to our annual exhibition “Hina Dolls of the Mitsui Family”, we will display Ichimatsu dolls by living national treasure Goyo Hirata in exhibition e display them as “Ichima-san” this time with other dress-up dolls. The number of “Ichima-san” is expected to be over 30 at this exhibition. 

Here is a sneak peak of Ichimatsu dolls.

(Please refer to Special display:Ichimatsu dolls by Goyo Hirata for Goyo’s personal information and his works) 


We will also display Netsuke and Kamo dolls by Chisui Sakiyama as introduced on this website. We hope you enjoy the exhibition.










lady Tsubomi (private collection)
















Ko asobi (distinguishing incense by smell)








Morning (by Yoko Hirata)

(rabbits at her feet made by Chisui Sakiyama) 







The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac・Daimyo procession

(by Chisui Sakiyama)



展示風景 Exhibition scenery








When you enter the exhibition hall, you will first encounter a display that depicts the five season festivals (Gosekku) on your right. You can find the explanation about each aspect later on this page. At the rear center, there is a variety of Ichimatsu dolls with different colors of costumes. On your left, you can see the dolls enjoying traditional plays such as karuta and tea ceremony.






  • Gosseku (the five main festivals)

The five main festivals include: Jinjitsu, Jomi/Joshi, Tango, Tanabata and Choyo. Until Edo period, a year used to be divided into five with the lunar calender and people would celebrate each sekku with seasonal flowers and plants. 

We added the “scene of Gion-matsuri” to the five main festivals as a signature summer event in Kyoto. (Below, we put down the explanation as it was written at the exhibition.)








“The scene of Jinjitsu”

In ancient China, people believed they could avoid diseases throughout theyear by drinking seven herbs soup, as it was written on an old book ofDongfang Shuo that “January begins with chickens and tell people’s fortune on

the seventh day.

”This belief eventually brought nanakusa-gayu (rice porridge with seven kinds of spring herbs) to Japan. A lot of you may know the song “

Before the birds of the continent (China) fly to Japan, let’s get nanakusa….

”Until Heian period, Gosechie which includes Ganjitsu, Aouma, Toka,Tango and Toyonoakari was celebrated at the court.

After Edo period in which Tokugawa government set the Gosseku as Jinjitsu, Jomi/Joshi, Tango, Tanabata and Choyo, the festival gradually came to be observed by the general public.







“The scene of Joshi”

Joshi originally meant the first day of the Serpent in March. However, during the Zhuo Dynasty in China, a custom of driving out evil spirits on March 3rd became established and was later introduced to Japan. The purification ceremony held on Joshi, which is a syncretic fusion of events of Chinese origin and ancient Japanese customs, is said to have developed into the Doll Festival on March 3.The dolls that parents would put on the side of a child’s bed to send bad spirits away were the original model of Hina dolls today. (“Hihina asobi” (doll play) appeared in the Tale of Genzi is different from Hina dolls and has nothing to do with the Doll Festival). 







“The scene of Tango”

The origin of Tango no sekku comes from the story where Kutsugen, an Chinese poet and politician who lived during the Warring States, died by drowing himself in the Miluo River and chimaki (rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves) was thrown into the river for his memorial service. Also, May was a rainy season in China and a lot of events like Shobusake and Kusurigari took place to drive away evil spirits. Those events were introduced to Japan and developed into different forms. Especially Kusuridama(decorative paper ball) which originally comes from Kusurigari was displayed at court from May5th to September 9th. These kind of practices were often mentioned in The Pillow Book (by Sei Shonagon). 


Moreover, Shobu(an iris) also meant victory or defeat and this concept was welcomed into Samurai families. Dolls with helmet were displayed to wish for the good health of the children. It was not until Meiji period that not only family of worriers but also people began to enjoy weapons and armor display. 







“The scene of Gion festival” 

Gion Matsuri, the festival of Yasaka Shrine, is the most famous festival in Kyoto. Although there are various theories on its origin, it is believed that it started as a religious ceremony to appease the gods during the outbreak of an epidemic in 869. Despite the damages by wars such as the Onin War and the Pacific War, the Gion festival has managed to recover every time. 

In1877, festival dates according to the old lunar calendar ( June 7th and June 14th) were revised and changed to July 17th and July 24th with the new calendar. Now we define July 17th as mae matsuri (first part of the Gion Festival) and July 24th as ato matsuri (second part of the Gion Festival).








“The scene of Tanabata” 

The history of Tanabata festival dates back to Asuka period where people competed each other with sumo wrestling and poetry. During Muromachi period, offering Japanese poems became popular and people started to wish for better sewing and writing skills as terakoya began to emerge in Edo period. The story of the stars of Altair and Vega has developed into the festival in which people wish for technological improvements. A passage depicting of Tanabata can be found in the Tale of the Heike as well.







“The scene of Choyo”

Choyo no sekku is celebrated on September 9th as it is the day when the number strongest “yang” is doubled. It was believed that if you wash your body with the cotton soaked in the night-dew with chrysanthemum flowers, you would live longer. “Kiku no kisewata” (chrysanthemum covers) is often mentioned in literary works like Makura no soshi(the Pillow Book) and women’s diary. Although September was still hot with the new calendar and the night-dew could not be expected, Choyo no sekku was enjoyed as a fall event.